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Julie Cartailler




Page personnelle et/ou CV

Sujet de thèse

La prise en charge de la santé mentale des jeunes en France : évaluation économique des parcours de soins et des préférences

Principale publication

  • Bowden, N., Hedquist, A., Dai, D., Abiona, O., Bernal-Delgado, E., Blankart, C.R., Cartailler, J., Estupiñán-Romero, F., Haywood, P., Or, Z., Papanicolas, I., Stafford, M., Wyatt, S., Sund, R., Uwitonze, J.P., Wodchis, W.P., Gauld, R., Vu, H., Sawaya, T., Figueroa, J.F., 2024. International comparison of hospitalizations and emergency department visits related to mental health conditions across high-income countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Services Research n/a. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6773.14386
  • Honda A., Cartailler J., Caihol J., Noda S., Or Z. (2022), Factors for consideration when setting prices for private healthcare providers operating in public systems: a comparison of France and Japan. Health Services Insights, en relecture.